Jakarta, 17 July 2023
PHI-NADO (NADO of the Philippines) invited IADO on July 17th, 2023 to attend a virtual meeting for the doping control preparation of the 2023 FIBA World Cup, whose event will be organized in 3 countries (Indonesia, the Philippines and Japan) on August 25th to September 10th, 2023, and will be participated by 32 teams across the world. The virtual meeting was led by the Chairman of PHI NADO Dr. Alejandro V. Pineda, Jr and attended by Chairman of IADO accompanied by his staffs, staffs from PHI NADO, as well as related officials from FIBA and PERBASI (Indonesian Basketball Association). For both sides (PHI-NADO and IADO), the cooperation on the FIBA World Cup will be the second one, because both sides handled doping control during the 2022 FIBA Asia Cup in Jakarta, in which the cooperation performed very well.
On his presentation, Mr. Alejandro mentioned among others that: LOC (Local Organizing Committee) must organize transportation for players and FIBA representatives in case of sample collection is not complete by the time the player’s team leaves the venue; accreditation must be provided for all members of the sample collection team, organized in collaboration with FIBA; LOC and FIBA to coordinate on appropriate signage and roll-up (to be provided by FIBA) for the Doping Control Station; and there will be an anti-doping and medical workshop for team doctors on D-1, coordinated between LOC and FIBA, in which LOC should provide room and presentation facilities. Furthermore, Mr. Alejandro also mentioned that all samples collection will be delivered to Anti-Doping Laboratory in Tokyo.
Even though DCOs of IADO will do their duties as Chaperones only (like on the event of FIBA Asia Cup), IADO will utilize such event maximally in order to add experiences to its SCP (Sample Collection Personnel). Based on the planning, DCOs of IADO should also join other world level sports championships, however one event (namely ANOC World Beach Games) was cancelled on the beginning of July 2023, and another one will be FIFA U-17 World Cup in Indonesia (as a replacement for a canceled FIFA U-20 World Cup of 2023 in which IADO and FIFA had actually made lots of preparation). The more international events will invite DCOs of IADO to join for any doping control, the better opportunities for them to enhance their international experiences.