Focus Group Discussion Preparation for PRESI (Education Presenter)

PRESI FGD preparation meeting of IADO. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 20 July 2023

The afternoon of July 20th, 2023 a meeting was held on the PRESI Focus Group Discussion Preparation. The presentation was provided by Dewi Putri Susanti (Education Staff), and was attended by the Chairman of IADO, the Secretary General of IADO, the Head of the IADO Planning Bureau, the Director of IADO Education, and Devi Sagita Ratri (Education Staff). The PRESI Focus Group Discussion activity will be wished to have an output of determining the module, curriculum, syllabus, and PRESI recruitment plan which will be carried out in the 2nd or 3rd week of August or September of 2023. In addition, the timing of the PRESI FGD is planned for the first week of August, or the first week of September, in Jakarta. Speakers who will attend it are Dr. Yaya Yamamoto (from JADA), Mr. Gobinathan Nair (Director General of SEARADO), Mr. Gatot S. Dewa Broto, Dr. Eka Wulan Sari, Natashya Marcellina, and representative of academic community.

The activity will be carried out for 5 days. The first day for the arrival of speakers, the 2nd day will be for discussing PRESI module and the finalization of PRESI module by SEARADO and JADA representatives, the 3rd day for presentation of SEARADO’s perspective on how educators should deliver messages and also reviews on PRESI qualifications, the 4th day will be for the review and finalization of the PRESI Module and curriculum by academia, and on the 5th day speakers will depart. There’re some suggestions for the better PRESI FGD:

  1. Adding speakers from educational institutions such as from academics, or the Ministry of Education and Culture, because the discussion is related to the field of education, modules, curriculum, syllabus;
  2. Providing invitation to UNESCO and any person from sports field;
  3. August 21st to 23rd, 2023 should be conducted for PRESI’s new member training;
  4. PRESI needs Grand Design as the foundation of PRESI activities.

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