Anti-Doping Education Activity in Aceh on 2023

Gathering with speakers and participants of anti-doping education in Aceh. Source: IADO.

Aceh Besar, 22 August 2023

IADO through the Directorate of Education continued its commitment to increase wider awareness of anti-doping, as a form of continuation of previous series of education activities with KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) which on 2022 were already carried out in 15 regions. IADO was then back to educate other regions for 2023 commenced in Aceh and Banten. That activity in Aceh at that time, took place in the Pade Hotel of Aceh Besar, attended by 70 participants consisting of athletes, coaches, and medical teams from KONI of Aceh. The number of participants in that activity has reached the target. The participants who took part in anti-doping socialization and education activities in Aceh were very orderly and enthusiastic in receiving material. IADO speakers in that activity were the Director of Education Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, S.M, MA and Legal Staff Mrs. Putri Ayu Maharani as well as Mr. Drs. Twisyono, MM from KONI.

The questions asked by the participants in Aceh related to the culture in Aceh which is famous for many foods with “special spices” slightly contain doping substances and how to overcome that problem, so that athletes and ASP can avoid using prohibited substances. The IADO Director of Education explained that if any athletes are approaching the competition period, they should be more careful about what they consume. Moreover, they have to take any note about food, drink and drugs consumed precisely and where it comes from.

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