MoU Between IADO And FOPI As Well As FVI

Signing of MoU between IADO and FOPI as well as FVI. Source: IADO.

Surabaya, 2 November 2023

The inauguration of FOPI (Pétanque National Federation) was held on February 2nd, 2023 at the UNESA (State University of Surabaya) Office of Surabaya, which was very important step for the progress of the Pétanque Sport in Indonesia. The kind of the sport program has seemed still relatively new in Indonesia compared to its originated country in France. Accordingly, due to its presence, it is expected to provide more access and opportunities for pétanque athletes, who will get better development across Indonesia.

The successful inauguration event reflected the strong spirit and support of all sport stakeholders, including the Chairman of KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) and the Chairman of KONI responsible for organizational development who attended the inauguration. While the enthusiasm of the FOPI in explaining its regulations and administration as well as doping control has shown high awareness of the importance of maintaining integrity in sports. Because that sport came from France, it is hoped that it will most likely be competed in the Paris Olympics Games next year. In connection with the invitation to the inauguration of FOPI and the signing of the MoU between IADO and FOPI, it was important to create harmonious communication and proof of compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

Historically, FOPI has been 10 years old in Indonesia, in which the game uses tools such as metal balls. Currently FOPI has already 21 representatives throughout Indonesia and has the headquarter located on the UNESA Campus, Surabaya because the existing Chairman of FOPI Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M.Kes is also the President of UNESA.

The inauguration of FOPI was carried out by the Chairman of KONI, Lieutenant General (Ret) Marchiano Norman who was also accompanied by the Head of Organizational Development, Major General (Ret) Eko Budi. The event took place smoothly and safely. On that occasion, the Chairman of FVI (Vovinam) which is a martial arts organization originated from Vietnam also attended the inauguration. In addition, because IASDO has planned to sign an MoU with FOPI, along with the agenda, the MoU signing was also carried out between FVI and IADO. As an information, the head office of VOVINAM is located in Denpasar, Bali. In that activity there is something very interesting because there was a desire and hope from sports stakeholders to get more anti-doping education activity delivered directly by IADO due to the facts that there are several universities wishing to have cooperation with IADO.

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