IADO Has Set Up the Development of Education Plan 2024 with Signatories

Activities with National Federations during the Discussion of Education Plan. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 9 November 2023

In accordance with the ISE Article 8 on Cooperation and Recognition of Signatories, where Signatories must consult each other when planning Anti-Doping Education activities are being set up in order to streamline the work program of the Directorate of Education. The 2024 Education Plan Workshop was the first step in preparing the 2024 education plan, as well as the formation of the 2024 education directorate work program to conduct anti-doping education as a form of prevention of doping violations and the first experience for athletes prior to any doping control.

That activity took place from November 6th to 8th, 2023. The first day of the activity was opened by the Chairman of IADO Mr. Gatot S. Dewa Broto, who then explained the Anti-Doping Overview in which on his explanation he described the history of the establishment of IADO, Clean Sport, and Doping Sanctions given by WADA to several athletes. The second day of the activity, the IADO Education Director explained the Education Plan which included discussing the Sport System, 4 Education Components and the Education Pool. Participants attending that activity were asked to fill out a questionnaire related to the condition of the participant’s sports organization which was divided into 4 indicators, namely System Assessment, Target Group Identification, Resources, and Current Educational Activities.

After filling out the questionnaire, representatives of participants from each sports organization began to present each own calendar of activities in 2024, starting with the NOC (National Olympic Committee), NPC (National Paralympic Committee), KONI, and sports administrators who have made MoUs with IADO at the beginning stage until the end of 2022, namely Aquatics Indonesia, PERPANI, ISSI, PODSI, PABSI, Wushu Indonesia, and FPTI. The third day continued with the presentation of the 2024 calendar of activities from the PERSAMBI, and PRUI sports administrators. During the discussion session, there were concerns from sports such as PRUI, and Wushu which still have not yet received anti-doping education. With that activity, the IADO Education Directorate is committed to equalizing and accelerating Anti-Doping education, especially for Signatories.

After conducting the Education Plan 2024 Workshop and knowing the estimated activities that should be carried out by national federations, IADO hopes that Anti-Doping Education activities will be more effective and targeted.

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