Presentation on Anti-Doping to the National Conference of the Indonesia Sporthorse Society

Director of Education presented the content of anti-doping education on the National Conference of PORDASI. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 10 November 2023

PORDASI (Indonesia Sportshotse Society) invited IADO to give a presentation related to Anti-Doping which used by Athletes and thier own Horses, represented by the Director of Education Natashya Marcellina Ardiany.

In that virtual activity organized on November 10th, 2023 the Director of Education provided explanation of the anti-doping area which includes Education as the front guard of preventing doping violations, testing as a directorate that controls doping by taking samples, communication as a part in charge of providing information through the mass media, intelligence and investigation as a part that examines indications of doping, legal as a part that handles in the legal field, while science and results management is a field that handles in the field of doping decisions.

The next material was related to clean sports values such as honesty, inclusion, and equity, followed by the history of IADO establishment and doping material in equestrian sports which is uncommon for horses to be given doping in order to run faster, jump higher, recover faster, and reduce pain due to excessive training. The organization that has the right to take samples for equestrian sports is the Equestrian International Federation or FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale). After the explanation on doping, it was then followed by an explanation related to filling out ADEL.

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