Visit of Aquatic Junior Athletes to IADO

Discussion on anti-doping regulation to aquatic athletes. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 15 December 2023

IADO Office at December 15th, 2023 received a group of aquatic junior athletes and their coaches who just participated on the 5th Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship 2023. That event was participated by 951 swimmers of 191 various clubs across the country, and held on December 12th to 15th, 2023 at the Aquatic Venue of GBK Senayan – Jakarta. One of the clubs which just completed the event came from Surabaya, consisting of male and female swimmers of various regions stationed in Surabaya for the program of DBON (National Sports Great Design). The sudden purpose of their visit to IADO was to get more information on anti-doping information. Coincidently, one of their leaders was a medical person from the Surabaya State University who became a moderator of the IADO’s activity of PRESI discussion on November 21st, 2023 on the Preparation of the Anti-Doping Training.

Being asked on little information of anti-doping regulation, there were only few understandings properly. Most of them understood very well that doping is totally prohibited for any athletes. They, however, did know very well various regulations on anti-doping such as TUE, RM, prohibited substances and others. IADO did not blame them. On the contrary, that was one of the mounting challenges that IADO is mandatory to provide more education activities to lots of athletes across the country coming from different national federations. Another important information delivered to them was on ADRV (Anti-Doping Regulation Violation), in which they have to be aware that doping is not only identified to have consumed prohibited substances, but also other activities such as to reject to be tested by any DCO, to be difficult to fulfill Whereabouts, and others. Based on the meeting, IADO principally welcomes other athletes and sports stakeholders to visit or to invite IADO to discuss anti-doping regulation.

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