Admin IADO

Why am I Being Tested for Doping So Often?

Denpasar, October 18th, 2022 Bali is the seventh province in organizing Anti-Doping Socialization and Education activities by IADO with KONI which was held on October 18, 2022 at the Vouk Hotel, Bali with 52 participants from 25 sports consisting of athletes, coaches and administrator. The speakers from IADO were attended by the Secretary-General of IADO, dr. Eka […]

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TUE Seminar IADO to Support  and Give Protection for Athletes

Jakarta, October 15th,  2022 Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is an important aspect of anti-doping that athletes and athlete support personnel need to know and understand. TUE grants authority to participate in sport even in treatment using drugs or methods that are prohibited according to the WADA Prohibited List. On Saturday, October 15, 2022, IADO held

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Series of Education Anti-Doping in Riau

Pekanbaru, October 12th , 2022 Riau is the first province on the island of Sumatra to be the location for organizing an anti-doping education activities by IADO in cooperation with KONI, which was held on October 12th, 2022. Participants attending about 70 people, consisting of coaches, athletes, officials, and the medical team including a doctor

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Zero Doping for the Province of Riau at the 2021 National Sports Games in Papua

Pekanbaru, Oktober 12th, 2022 IADO continued to hold an anti-doping education activity in a few provinces across the country, and it was just conducted in Pekanbaru, Riau on October 12th, 2022. For information, whole series of activities, which have been organized are as follows: these were in Jakarta on August 30th, in Bandung on September

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First Seminar of Intelligence and Investigations in 2022

Jakarta, October 12th,  2022 Many athletes and officials do not know and understand about “What is the role of the IADO Intelligence and Investigation Division in anti-doping surveillance in Indonesia?”. This has become a passion for IADO in providing information and education to athletes and officials, in the Investigation and Intelligence seminar with the theme

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Series of Education Activities of Anti-Doping in Samarinda

Jakarta, October 7th, 2022 “How’s the testing procedure in IADO now?” This question was raised during the anti-doping education activity in Samarinda on October 7th, 2022. Regarding that question, dr. Eka Wulan Sari as Secretary-General of IADO answered with confidence that the testing procedure in IADO is professional due to the level of quality of

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KADA Anti-Doping Seminar in Asia and Oceania

Busan, September 29th, 2022 KADA (Korea Anti-Doping Agency) in collaboration with WADA successfully held the 2022 KADA Anti-Doping Seminar in Asia and Oceania on September 28th to 29th, 2022, in Busan, South Korea. This activity is carried out regularly by KADA every year. On 2022, with the theme “Spreading the Value of Sport through the

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Timely Commitment of the Government to WADA’s Budget 

Jakarta, September 27th, 2022 The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is one of many governments which used to be consistent annually to contribute it. During suspension from October 2021 to February 2022, the government kept its consistence to transfer to WADA around US$ 27,635 on December 2024th, 2022. Although the 2022 contribution could be

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