Admin IADO

Education of Anti-Doping in Central Java

Jakarta, September 9th,2022 The city of Semarang, capital of Central Java was visited by Secretary General dr. Eka Wulan Sari and the Director of IADO Ms. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany on September 9th, 2022. That visit was a part of the education series which have been conducted in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. Similar with the previous ones,

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Appreciation Raised by WADA and SEARADO toward IADO’s Activities

Jakarta, September 8th,  2022 The most important obligation of all NADOs is to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code. That is an official non-debatable requirement. Therefore, by learning from the previous suspension psychologically, technically, operationally and administratively at the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017 and the last sanction, IADO tried to find

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Series of Education Activities of Anti-Doping in Surabaya

Jakarta, September 6th, 2022 “Dear Sir, I need your advice on my daily habit of drinking coffee with strong caffeine and whether to be categorized as doping?  Is that correct that consuming a milk product X is good for removing the doping ingredients from the body? How about if any athlete is too late to

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Activation of ADAMS Account and Whereabouts on DBON’s Sport

Jakarta, September 3rd, 2022 The Directorate of Testing went to the rowing training centre in Pangalengan of Bandung on September 2nd and 3rd, 2022 for the workshop activity on the activation of ADAMS account in filling any Whereabouts and for the education of anti-doping for those attending athletes. The target of participants was athletes from

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Education Activity for Athletes in cooperation with KONI in Bandung

Jakarta, September 2nd, 2022 After the successful education session of anti-doping in Jakarta on August 30th, 2022, IADO continued the similar activity to the next destination: Bandung on September 2nd, 2022. The activity was led by the Secretary General dr. Eka Wulan Sari and coordinated by the Director of Education Ms. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany as

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Education on Anti-Doping Awareness

Jakarta, August 30th, 2022 As the follow-up of the MoU between IADO and KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia), IADO commenced the anti-doping education on August 30th, 2022 in Jakarta. This activity was organized by the Directorate of Education led by the Director of Education Ms. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, who also presented the essence of

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