Recent News

  • Anti-Doping Education at the International Weightlifting Coaching Course Activity

    Anti-Doping Education at the International Weightlifting Coaching Course Activity

    Yogyakarta, 8 October 2024 For the purpose of increasing the quality and performance of the weightlifting course, an activity of the International Weightlifting Coaching Course was organized at Fortuna Grande Malioboro Hotel, Yogyakarta, on October 8th, 2024. That activity was based on the implementation of new regulation requiring any weightlifting coaches who will accompany athletes…

  • The 2025 Social Science Research Grant Program by WADA

    The 2025 Social Science Research Grant Program by WADA

    Jakarta, 1 October 2024 The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said that it is committed to improving evidence-based doping prevention strategies through the Social Science Research Grant Program. As such, WADA has launched a Call for Proposals for the 2025 Social Science Research Grant Program. The Social Science Research Grant Program was created to ensure that…

  • PABSI (Indonesia Weightlifting Federation) Management’s Concern for Anti-Doping Education

    PABSI (Indonesia Weightlifting Federation) Management’s Concern for Anti-Doping Education

    Jakarta, 27 September 2024 IADO was surprised by the visit of representatives of the Management of PABSI, especially the National Weightlifting Coaches, including Mrs. Sri Indriyani, Mr. Muhammad Rusli, and Mr. Jajang Supriatna. Their visit was to study the recently released ADEL Course, entitled “Program Pendidikan Pelatih Profesional” which was previously only in English, namely…

  • The Excitement of PON XXI Aceh – Northern Sumatra 2024: North Sumatra Welcomes Anti-Doping Activities!

    The Excitement of PON XXI Aceh – Northern Sumatra 2024: North Sumatra Welcomes Anti-Doping Activities!

    Medan, 20 September 2024 Starting from September 12th to 18th, 2024 Anti-Doping Campaign activities have been carried out by IADO in the framework of PON XXI, especially in the Northern Sumatra region. IADO conducted Anti-Doping Campaigns around Deli Serdang commenced from the Northern Sumatra Sport Center Athletics Stadium, Sport Center of Veteran, Sport Center of…

  • Anti-Doping Campaign at the 2024 PON XXI of Aceh – Northern Sumatra in Aceh

    Anti-Doping Campaign at the 2024 PON XXI of Aceh – Northern Sumatra in Aceh

    Banda Aceh, 14 September 2024 In the event of the 2024 National Sports Games (PON) XXI in Aceh – Northern Sumatra activities of doping control were conducted prior and during the event. One form of doping control that was carried out in addition to collecting samples was anti-doping education by carrying out anti-doping campaigns to…

  • MoU between IADO and the Indonesian Cheerleading Association (PEPSI)

    MoU between IADO and the Indonesian Cheerleading Association (PEPSI)

    Jakarta, 6 September 2024 Mrs. Dian Anggaraini as the Chairwoman of the Indonesian Cheerleading Association (PEPSI) on September 6th , 2024 and the Chairman of IADO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding Anti-Doping Activities as a joint commitment to doping-free sports. The signing of the MoU took place at the IADO Office and was…

  • PRESI’s Spirit for Clean Sport

    PRESI’s Spirit for Clean Sport

    Jakarta, 31 August 2024 On August 26th on 31st , 2024, a Training of Trainers for Educational Presenters (PRESI) was held. For the information, PRESI was formed through the cold hands of experts in the field of training and sports, in which those are popular names such as Prof. Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu, M.Pd; Prof. Dr.…

  • TUE Socialization for Contingent Team on PEPARNAS (National Paralympic Games)

    TUE Socialization for Contingent Team on PEPARNAS (National Paralympic Games)

    Jakarta, 29 August 2024 It is already known that from October 6th to October 13th, 2024 PEPARNAS (National Paralympic Games) 2024 will be organized in Surakarta. This national sporting event will be held as a continuation tradition of the previous national sporting event, namely PON (National Sports Games), which will be organized from September 9th…

  • Preparation Training on Doping Control for XXI PON (National Sports Games) 2024 in the Aceh Region.

    Preparation Training on Doping Control for XXI PON (National Sports Games) 2024 in the Aceh Region.

    Banda Aceh, 22 August 2024 As it already occurred in Medan last week, on the August 19th to 22nd, 2024 similar activities in the form of doping control training in the upcoming 2024 PON XXI in Aceh and Northern Sumatra, IADO organized a training in Banda Aceh in collaboration with the Provincial Health Office of…

  • One Step Closer to Actualizing Educational Presenters

    One Step Closer to Actualizing Educational Presenters

    Jakarta, 22 August 2024 On Thursday, the 22nd of August, 2024, in Jakarta, the Phase 3 PRESI Training Maturation FGD was held in order to ratify the curriculum, materials, and training for Educational Presenters (PRESI) in FGD III. That FGD III PRESI activity invited stakeholders including the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education…

  • Readiness of Banten Team to Compete in PON (National Sports Games) XXI in Aceh and Northern Sumatra through Anti-Doping Education

    Readiness of Banten Team to Compete in PON (National Sports Games) XXI in Aceh and Northern Sumatra through Anti-Doping Education

    Serang, 21 August, 2024 Prior to the implementation of the XXI National Sports Games (PON) 2024 in Aceh and Northern Sumatra which will be commenced on September 8th to 20th, 2024, the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) Banten Province carried out character building activities for Banten Province PON Athletes and Contingents, in collaboration with…

  • Training Course on Doping Control Prior to the PON (National Sports Games) for the Northern Sumatra Region

    Training Course on Doping Control Prior to the PON (National Sports Games) for the Northern Sumatra Region

    Medan, 15 August 2024 On the frame work of preparations for doping control activities prior to the upcoming XXI PON (National Sports Games) of 2024 in Aceh and Northern Sumatra, IADO on August 12th to 15th, 2024, in collaboration with the Northern Sumatra Health Office, has held training to prepare their doping control in Medan.…

  • Presentation of the Anti-Doping Educative Video on the 2024 Aeromodelling Coaches Certification Activities

    Presentation of the Anti-Doping Educative Video on the 2024 Aeromodelling Coaches Certification Activities

    Jakarta, 27 July 2024 The Indonesian Aerosport Federation (FASI) on July 27th, 2024 invited IADO to participate in the activities of the Aeromodelling Committee Work Programme. FASI 2024 conducted Aeromodelling Coaches Certification, through Zoom Meeting. In that activity, speaker from IADO, the Director of Education, Mrs. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, S.M, MA also introduced 3…

  • Meeting to Amend the Bylaws of IADO in Yogyakarta

    Meeting to Amend the Bylaws of IADO in Yogyakarta

    Yogyakarta, 26 July 2024 After the success of the IADO General Meeting on March 7th to 9th, 2024 in Bandung, IADO organized the similar general meeting IADO on July 25th to 26th, 2024 in Yogyakarta. The meeting was attended by all IADO personnel, and few personnel who were unable to attend could simply attend virtually.…

  • Doping Control at the U-16, U-18 and Indonesia Open 2024 National Athletics Championships

    Doping Control at the U-16, U-18 and Indonesia Open 2024 National Athletics Championships

    Yogyakarta, 24 July 2024 IADO was again trusted in the 2024 U-16, U-18 and Indonesia Open National Athletics Championships which were held at the Mandal Krida Stadium, Yogyakarta. That event was organized from July 20th to 24th, July 2024 and was opened directly by the Chairman of PASI (Indonesian Athletics Association) Mr. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.…

  • The Closing Session of the Training and Certification of the National Boxing Coaches

    The Closing Session of the Training and Certification of the National Boxing Coaches

    Sukabumi, 19 Juli 2024 The Management of the National Federation of the Indonesian Amateur Boxing Association (PP PERTINA) collaborated with IADO to carry out an anti-doping education by providing material regarding the anti-doping at the National Boxing Coach Training and Certification activities which were held from July 15th to 19th, 2024 at Icuk Sugiarto Training…

  • Preparation of the Indonesian NPC Athletes Prior to the Paris Paralympics

    Preparation of the Indonesian NPC Athletes Prior to the Paris Paralympics

    Surakarta, 18 July 2024 Prior to the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games which will be organized in Paris in 2024, IADO has continued to intensively carry out outreach and campaigns related to whereabouts. The activities carried out by IADO currently are very important for all athletes, especially as the preparation to the Olympic and Paralympic…

  • Zohri’s Enthusiasm for the 2024 Paris Olympics

    Zohri’s Enthusiasm for the 2024 Paris Olympics

    Jakarta, 12 July 2024 On the morning of July 12th, 2024, IADO had a very surprising special guest, none other than Mr. Lalu Muhammad Zohri, an Indonesian athletics athlete who successfully advanced to the 2024 Paris Olympics. The Purpose of Zohri’s arrival at IADO was to study through IADO staff Miss. Devi Sagita Ratri (IADO…

  • Filling of Whereabouts Prior to the Olympic Games

    Filling of Whereabouts Prior to the Olympic Games

    Cikarang, 11 July 2024 IADO on July 11th, 2024 involved directly to the field to remind athletes about the importance of updating athletes’ whereabouts prior to the 2024 Olympics. One of them was the archery sport and was held in the Jababeka Senior Living area, Cikarang, West Java. Because there are quite a lot of…

  • DN College Students Explore Anti-Doping Initiatives at IADO

    DN College Students Explore Anti-Doping Initiatives at IADO

    Jakarta, 1 July 2024 The Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) led by the Secretary General of IADO dr. Eka Wulan Sari accompanied by the Education Director Mrs. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, SM, MA welcomed students from DN College (directly coming from the UK) to the headquarters of IADO at FX Office Tower on the 15th floor…

  • Cooperation of IADO and East Timor Sports Confederation on Doping Control

    Cooperation of IADO and East Timor Sports Confederation on Doping Control

    Dili, 28 June 2024 On June 28 2024, the IADO Secretary General dr. Eka Wulan Sari (accompanied by Putri Ayu Maharani (IADO Legal Staff) fulfilled the invitation of CDTL (Confederacao do Desporto de Timor Leste / East Timor Sports Confederation) conveyed through the Management of KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) to be one of…

  • Understanding Anti-Doping for the Undergraduate Students of the Faculty of Sports Science at the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)

    Understanding Anti-Doping for the Undergraduate Students of the Faculty of Sports Science at the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)

    Jakarta, 26 June 2024 The Faculty of Sports Science at the Universitas Negeri Jakarta held an Anti-Doping Seminar entitled “Anti-Doping Education for the Young Generation.” On the occasion, organized on June 26th, 2024 invited IADO to be the keynote speaker. The aim of this activity was to provide a form of current update of the…

  • Doping Control in the 21st ASEAN University Games 2024

    Doping Control in the 21st ASEAN University Games 2024

    Surabaya & Malang, 22 June – 7 July 2024 The 21st ASEAN University Games 2024 as an International Multi Event at the student level was held in Surabaya and Malang, whose participation came from 11 countries of Southeast Asia such as Brunei, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Laos, Timor Leste, Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia. The…

  • Outreach Euphoria at 21th Asean University Games 2024

    Outreach Euphoria at 21th Asean University Games 2024

    Surabaya & Malang, 22 June – 7 July 2024 Surabaya, July 6, 2024, the 21th Asean University Games 2024 in Surabaya and Malang has already finished, IADO successfully collaborated with the Indonesian Student Sports Organizing Board (BAPOMI) by carrying out Outreach activities and doping control at the event. The total number of participants who participated…

  • Doping Prevention for the Upcoming 2024, 21st National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatera, in Central Java

    Doping Prevention for the Upcoming 2024, 21st National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatera, in Central Java

    Jakarta, 15 June 2024 In preparation for the upcoming 2024, 21st National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatra, PPKORI (Association of Indonesian Sports Health Advisors) invited IADO to provide anti-doping guidance support. Participants consisted of coaches, administrators, and others who are classified as Athlete Support Personnel (ASP). IADO’s Education Director Mrs. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany,…

  • Collaboration between the Jakarta Regional Office of Youth and Sports and IADO to Socialize Anti-Doping

    Collaboration between the Jakarta Regional Office of Youth and Sports and IADO to Socialize Anti-Doping

    Jakarta, 13 June 2024 The Jakarta Regional Office of Youth and Sports (Dispora Jakarta) on June 13th, 2024 invited IADO to be the speaker of the anti-doping socialization section. Participants were dominated by coaches, lecturers, students, and their masseurs who became the Athlete Support Personnel (ASP). The speaker of anti-doping socialization from IADO was dr.…

  • Advanced Knowledge Sharing of Anti-Doping for ISSI Management

    Advanced Knowledge Sharing of Anti-Doping for ISSI Management

    Jakarta, 27 May 2024 IADO on May 27 2024 was invited by the ISSI (Indonesia Cycling Federation) Management which was organizing a technical coordination meeting in preparation for conducting the ISSI Cycling National Championship in Batam in June 2024. The meeting was actually for internal ISSI Management only as usual in preparation for a national…

  • Reaccreditation of DCOs of IADO with SEARADO

    Reaccreditation of DCOs of IADO with SEARADO

    Jakarta, 24 May 2024 On May 24th, 2024, IADO in collaboration with SEARADO (South East Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization) held an Activity of Reaccreditation for all of senior DCOs of IADO (Doping Control Officers). The activity took place in the meeting room of the Indonesian NOC and was attended by 18 DCOs from all over…

  • Preparation of the Defending Champion for PON (2024 National Sports Games) in Aceh and Northern Sumatra

    Preparation of the Defending Champion for PON (2024 National Sports Games) in Aceh and Northern Sumatra

    Bandung, 15 May 2024 Regional Office of the National Sports Committee of Indonesia of Western Java (KONI Jabar) has ensured that its Contingent had obtained proper anti-doping education. Such an interesting education was delivered in Bandung on May 15th, 2024. In preparation for the 2024 National Sports Games (PON), which will be on the schedule…

  • Finalization of the Doping Control Coordination for the 2024 National Sports Games in the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra

    Finalization of the Doping Control Coordination for the 2024 National Sports Games in the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra

    Jakarta, 14 May 2024 After repeatedly holding separate coordination meetings to discuss doping control in order to support the successful efforts of the 2024 PON (National Sports Games) which will be organized in Aceh Province and North Sumatra Province, the final coordination meeting finally was held on May 14th, 2024. The meeting was initiated by…

  • Judo’s Preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics

    Judo’s Preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics

    Jakarta, 13 May 2024 Directorate of Education of IADO keeps providing activities of anti-doping education in preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics. In addition to providing information related to Olympic preparations, IADO has also guided athletes to work on their ADEL for Paris Olympics 2024 and provided direct guidance regarding athletes’ Whereabouts. Whereabouts is a…

  • Education: ADEL for Paris Olympic Games 2024

    Education: ADEL for Paris Olympic Games 2024

    Jakarta, 6 May 2024 Indonesia is preparing to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games which is just 81 days away. Some of the sport programs have been qualified to take part in the Games, including Archery, Wall Climbing, Gymnastics, Shooting, Surfing, Weightlifting, Badminton, Cycling and Rowing. Prior to the big event, the contingent and…

  • Further Preparation of IADO for the 2024 PON in Aceh and Northern Sumatera

    Further Preparation of IADO for the 2024 PON in Aceh and Northern Sumatera

    Jakarta, 2 April 2024 The year of 2024 will be among others indicated by the 2024 National Sports Games (PON), which will be organized in Aceh and Northern Sumatera. The related – PON will be the first event conducted in 2 provinces at the first time since PON was firstly organized in Surakarta on 1948…

  • FPTI towards the 2024 Paris Olympics

    FPTI towards the 2024 Paris Olympics

    Jakarta, 26 March 2024 For the purpose of providing Anti-Doping Education in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympics, IADO throught its Directorate of Education continued to remind athletes and Athlete Support Personnel to be aware of the ADEL Course which was coicidently organized at the moment prior the Paris 2024 Olympic. In that activity, the…

  • IADO’s New Membership at iNADO

    IADO’s New Membership at iNADO

    Lausanne, 14 March 2024 In addition to its participation at the WADA Annual Symposium, IADO (represented by Director of Testing Mrs. Linda Rosalina and Staff of Testing Directorate Dr. Pande Putu Agus Mahendra) took part in the iNADO Annual General Assembly and Workshop which also took place in Lausanne, Switzerland, whose theme was “Diversity in…

  • IADO’s presence at the 2024 WADA Annual Symposium

    IADO’s presence at the 2024 WADA Annual Symposium

    Lausanne, 13 March 2024 IADO through their 3 officials (Chairman of IADO, Acting Secretary General of IADO Mr. Indra Bayu and Director of Intelligence and Investigation of IADO Suharyanto) on March 12th and 13th, 2024 attended the WADA Annual Symposium in Lausanne, Switzerland. IADO’s presence in WADA activity officially opened by the WADA President Mr.…

  • General Meeting of IADO to Review its Articles of Association and Bylaws

    General Meeting of IADO to Review its Articles of Association and Bylaws

    Ciwidey – Bandung, 9 March 2024 IADO just organized a General Meeting of IADO on March 6th to 9th, 2024 in Ciwidey, Bandung – Western Java, whose main agenda was to discuss its Articles of Association and Bylaws 2024. IADO is an organization affiliated to WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and supported legally by the Sports…

  • Additional DCOs to Empower the Duties of IADO

    Additional DCOs to Empower the Duties of IADO

    Ciwidey – Bandung, 6 March 2024 IADO held successfully a Doping Control Officer (DCO) Training from March 3rd to 6th, 2024 at Ciwidey Valley Resort, Bandung, Western Java. The Chairman of IADO officially opened that activity, attended by 9 prospective DCOs participants from doctors and internal IADO administrators. The participants were provided with material based…

  • IADO’s Participation at The 4th WADA Global Education Conference (GEC) in Cannes, France

    IADO’s Participation at The 4th WADA Global Education Conference (GEC) in Cannes, France

    Cannes, 29 February 2024 WADA in collaboration with the Agence Française de Lutte contre le Dopage (AFLD) hosted a Global Education Conference (GEC) in Cannes, France, on 27-29 February 27th to 29th, 2024, entitled “Cultivating Our Collective Creativity”. That activity, which has previously also been attended by representatives of IADO, namely the Chairman of IADO…

  • ADEL Course on Preparation of the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games

    ADEL Course on Preparation of the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games

    Jakarta, 24 February 2024 The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced a new ADEL material/course titled “ADEL for Paris 2024 Paralympic Games” which be very beneficial to be used by para-athletes, their guides for visually impaired athletes, and coaches who will participate in the Paris 2024 Paralympics on Anti-Doping Education and Learning (ADEL) platform. The “ADEL…

  • Preparation of PBSI for the 2024 Paris Olympics through Anti-Doping Education

    Preparation of PBSI for the 2024 Paris Olympics through Anti-Doping Education

    Jakarta, 15 February 2024 Anti-doping education in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympics has started again. This time for badminton, which was sheltered by the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI), constituted the sport program receiving an education after gymnastics. Some athletes have been confirmed to qualify based on world rankings so that for more mature preparation…

  • Progress Report of IADO to Set Up Better Anti-Doping Educator

    Progress Report of IADO to Set Up Better Anti-Doping Educator

    Jakarta, 6 February 2024 Continuation of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the maturation of Anti-Doping Educator Training (PRESI) Phase 2 was conducted on February 6th, 2024 to continue preparation for the formation of anti-doping educators or will be introduced in Indonesia under the name of Educational Presenters (PRESI) through FGD of PRESI on Phase 2.…

  • Caffeine, Creatine And Energy Drinks. Is It Safe for Athletes?

    Caffeine, Creatine And Energy Drinks. Is It Safe for Athletes?

    Jakarta, 30 January 2024 Before we discuss these three things (Caffeine, Creatine, and Energy Drinks) let’s examine what these three things mean. Caffeine is a natural chemical stimulant and belongs to the methylxanthines class of compounds and contains antioxidants. The chemical formula of caffeine is C8-H10-N4-O2 and is one of the most studied chemicals in…

  • Doping Control at the Daihatsu Indonesia Master 2024

    Doping Control at the Daihatsu Indonesia Master 2024

    Jakarta, 28 January, 2024 Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) was once again trusted in the famous badminton event of Daihatsu Indonesia Master 2024 held at Istora Senayan, Gelora Bung Karno Stadium Complex of Jakarta on January 23rd to 28th, 2024. That tournament was part of the HSBC BWF World Tour Super 500 and also the Race…

  • Course on Advanced Knowledge and Practice of BCO Supported by SEARADO

    Course on Advanced Knowledge and Practice of BCO Supported by SEARADO

    Jakarta, 25 January 2024 The Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) just successfully organized the course of BCO (Blood Collection Officer) for 2 days on January 24th to 25th, 2024 at Century Hotel, Jakarta. The course was a very important activity due to the limited number of BCOs belonging to IADO. Such activity could not be participated…

  • Athlete Education towards the Olympics Games with the Indonesian Gymnastics Federation

    Athlete Education towards the Olympics Games with the Indonesian Gymnastics Federation

    Jakarta, 19 January 2024 IADO educated gymnastics athletes who will compete at the 2024 Paris Olympics Games. The most prestigious event will be held from July 26th to August 11th, 2024. For the purpose of preparation in addition to practicing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, athletes are also prepared with knowledge related to anti-doping. On…

  • Doping Control on the 2024 Asian Rifle and Pistol Championship

    Doping Control on the 2024 Asian Rifle and Pistol Championship

    Jakarta, 18 January 2024 Indonesia hosted the 2024 Asian Rifle and Pistol Championship which was successfully held on January 5th to 18th, 2024 at the Shooting Venue of Senayan, Jakarta. The event was officially opened by the Vice President of Asian Shooting Confederation (ASC) Mr. Khalid bin Bandar Al Saud and attended by the Chairman…

  • Further Coordination of Anti-Doping Surveillance between IADO and KONI for the 2024 PON

    Further Coordination of Anti-Doping Surveillance between IADO and KONI for the 2024 PON

    Jakarta, 17 January 2024 As part of the further coordination related to anti-doping supervision for the 21st PON (National Sports Games), KONI hosted a meeting attended by IADO Team on January 17th, 2024 at KONI’s Office. PON itself will be organized on September 2024 in Aceh and Northern Sumatera. According to the information submitted by…

  • Premier Coordination for Education Presenter Preparation (PRESI)

    Premier Coordination for Education Presenter Preparation (PRESI)

    Jakarta, 15 January 2024 Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) has taken the first step in the preparation to set up the Education Presenter (PRESI) by conducting the virtual premier meeting or coordination on January 15th, 2024. As an information, on November 22nd, 2023, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held to discuss the formation of PRESI…

  • MoU of IADO with National Doping Control Center (NDCC) of Thailand

    MoU of IADO with National Doping Control Center (NDCC) of Thailand

    Jakarta, 15 January 2024 IADO and the National Doping Center for Analytical Sciences and National Doping Test Institute of the Mahidol University of Thailand signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Doping Control at IADO’s office on January 15th, 2024. IADO was represented by the Chairman of IADO and NDCC by the Deputy Director of Analytical…

  • Premier Meeting of IADO on the Beginning of 2024

    Premier Meeting of IADO on the Beginning of 2024

    Jakarta, 8 January 2024 For the first time at the beginning of 2024, IADO organized a plenary meeting on January 8th, 2024, attended by all personnel of IADO. Office activity of IADO actually commenced on January 3rd, 2024 after having a long holiday of Christmas and New Year events, so that IADO decided to have…

  • IADO’s Efforts to Harmonize Serious Performance and Relax Activities

    IADO’s Efforts to Harmonize Serious Performance and Relax Activities

    Batu, 23 December 2023 For the purpose of evaluating its existing program and planning its program for the following year, IADO organized a working meeting, conducted on December 20th to 22nd, 2023 in Batu, near the city of Malang, Eastern Java. The Meeting was attended by all of the leaders and staffs of Board of…

  • IADO’s Evaluation toward the 2023 Performance of Sample Collection Personnel (SCP) and its Wishing on 2024

    IADO’s Evaluation toward the 2023 Performance of Sample Collection Personnel (SCP) and its Wishing on 2024

    Jakarta, 16 December 2023 IADO successfully held the Sample Collection Personnel (SCP) Performance Evaluation for 2023 & Sampling Plan for 2024 on December 16th, 2023 at the NOC Indonesia, Menara Olahraga Senayan Building, Lt. 16, Jakarta. The event was officially opened by IADO Chairman Gatot S. Dewa Broto and attended by all IADO licensed SCPs,…

  • Visit of Aquatic Junior Athletes to IADO

    Visit of Aquatic Junior Athletes to IADO

    Jakarta, 15 December 2023 IADO Office at December 15th, 2023 received a group of aquatic junior athletes and their coaches who just participated on the 5th Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship 2023. That event was participated by 951 swimmers of 191 various clubs across the country, and held on December 12th to 15th, 2023 at the…

  • SpeakUp and Data Collection on Athletes of ISSI

    SpeakUp and Data Collection on Athletes of ISSI

    Yogyakarta, 15 Desember 2023 At the end of 2023, the IADO’s Intelligence & Investigations Directorate carried out its final task of conducting significant routine activities in an effort to collect athletes’personal information, from athletes of ISSI (Cycling / Indonesia Cycling Federation).That activity was conducted on December 15th, 2023, at the Savita Garden Inn Hotel, Yogyakarta,…

  • Cooperation of IADO and AI for the Realization of Zero Doping on Aquatic National Federation

    Cooperation of IADO and AI for the Realization of Zero Doping on Aquatic National Federation

    Jakarta, 15 December 2023 IADO once again participated in doping control in the Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship 2023, held on December 12th to 15th, 2023 at the Gelora Bung Karno Aquatic Stadium, Senayan Jakarta. Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship 2023 itself competed in 5 (five) sports, namely swimming, water polo, diving, artistic swimming, and master swimming.…

  • International Anti-Doping Seminar in Asia and Oceania and Education Workshop

    International Anti-Doping Seminar in Asia and Oceania and Education Workshop

    Tokyo, 13 December 2023 That international anti-doping seminar was held in Tokyo, Japan, on 12-13 December 2023, and was hosted by Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) in collaboration with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and under the support of the Japan Sports Agency of the Government of Japan. The theme of the seminar was “#OnePlayTrueTeam because…

  • Appeal Panel for Handling Doping Cases

    Appeal Panel for Handling Doping Cases

    Jakarta, 12 December 2023 To ensure that the result of the doping cases handling on the stage of RM (Result Management) could be processed more properly according to the World Anti-Doping Code, IADO is reforming its RM by inviting BAKI (Indonesian Sports Arbitration Body) to have a cooperation through signing the Agreement conducted on December…

  • Cooperation of DCAT dan IADO at the Youth Athletics Championship in Thailand

    Cooperation of DCAT dan IADO at the Youth Athletics Championship in Thailand

    Pathum Thani, 9 December 2023 Indonesia sent the Indonesian Student Athletics Team to take part at the 15th SEA Youth Athletics Championships 2023 held on December 7th to 9th, 2023 at the National Athletics Center, Pathum Thani, Thailand. That event competed in several disciplines, including jumps, throws, long distance 3000 or greater, middle distance 800…

  • Webinar on Medical, Nutrition and Anti-Doping Education

    Webinar on Medical, Nutrition and Anti-Doping Education

    Jakarta, 5 December 2023 Anti-doping education in Indonesian sport remains need extensive and massive efforts. As one of the activities, IADO participated in a webinar of Aquatics Indonesia on December 5th, 2023. That activity was targeted to athlete support personnel in aquatic sports in conjunction with an explanation of medical matters and nutrition for athletes.…

  • Personal Athlete Data Collection on the 2023 Rowing National Championship

    Personal Athlete Data Collection on the 2023 Rowing National Championship

    Karawang, 30 November 2023 As one of the preparations of PON (National Sports Games) XXI in Aceh and North Sumatra on 2024, the rowing national federation conducted the rowing national championship on November 30th, 2023. On that event, Director of Intelligence & Investigation of IADO attended and participated in efforts to collect personal information on…

  • Participant’s High Enthusiasm to Participate on the Outreach of Anti-Doping

    Participant’s High Enthusiasm to Participate on the Outreach of Anti-Doping

    Karawang, 30 November 2023 The Anti-Doping Campaign was carried out again, this time at Situ Cipule, Karawang. A total of 83 participants concisting of athletes, coaches, managers, and officials participated in the anti-doping campaign activities. The activity began in the morning and immediately received great attention from athletes, and ASP (Athlete Support Personnel) until a…

  • Anti-Doping Education for Athletes and Former Athletes Working at the Ministry of Youth and Sports

    Anti-Doping Education for Athletes and Former Athletes Working at the Ministry of Youth and Sports

    Jakarta, 28 November 2023 IADO and the Ministry of Youth and Sports held a workshop for anti-doping education, attended by 25 participants from various national federations such as shorinji kempo, wrestling, shooting, boxing, athletics and others. That activity presented two speakers from IADO, including Mr. Gatot S. Dewa Broto as chairman of IADO and Natashya…

  • 54 MoUs Have Been Achieved by IADO

    54 MoUs Have Been Achieved by IADO

    Jakarta, 27 November 2023 For the purpose of working hard to accelerate the number of National Federations and generally National Sports Committees to engage as soon as possible with IADO through the signing of MoU, there was an official signing of the MoU between the Charmain of IADO and Charmain of the Indonesia Triathlon Federation,…

  • IADO Anti-Doping Campaign Booth at the 2023 Archery National Championship

    IADO Anti-Doping Campaign Booth at the 2023 Archery National Championship

    Bogor, 24 November 2023 The Archery National Championship held on November 18th to 27th, 2023 has presented IADO as an anti-doping promoter by conducting an anti-doping campaign which was held for 2 days on November 23th to 24th, 2023. Participants who came to the campaign booth came from various regions such as DKI, West Java,…

  • Occasion of Intensive Communication between IADO and ISSI

    Occasion of Intensive Communication between IADO and ISSI

    Jakarta, 22 November 2023 During the emotional spirit of heroism on the month of November and after successfully holding the IADO Speak Up Seminar, whose theme was “Speak Up as a means of producing Anti-Doping Heroes”, the IADO Intelligence and Investigation Directorate on November 22nd, 2023 collected again personal data on athletes at ISSI (Indonesia…

  • Focus Group Discussion on Preparation of Anti-Doping Educator Training (PRESI) for Chapter I

    Focus Group Discussion on Preparation of Anti-Doping Educator Training (PRESI) for Chapter I

    Jakarta, 21 November 2023 IADO on November 21st, 2024 invited lecturers from various well-known universities to conduct discussions related to training methods and qualifications of prospective educators on Anti-Doping. They were Prof. Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M.Si. from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Prof. Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu, M.Pd. from Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Dr. Mirza Hapsari Sakti…

  • Doping Control at the National Rowing Championship)

    Doping Control at the National Rowing Championship)

    Karawang, 20 November 2023 PB PODSI (the Executive Board of the Indonesian Rowing Sports Association) held a National Rowing Championship 2023 in the Situ Cipule Tourism Area, Karawang, West Java which on November 17th to December 10th, 2023. That event was held as a Qualification for the XXI National Sports Games (PON) 2024 in Aceh…

  • The Support of IADO for the Successful Borobudur Marathon

    The Support of IADO for the Successful Borobudur Marathon

    Magelang, 19 November 2023 IADO and the Indonesian Athletics Federation conducted again in cooperation of doping control at the Borobudur Marathon 2023. The annual marathon event was held at the Borobudur Temple area, Magelang, Central Java on November 19th, 2023. The event was officially launched by the Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Ario Bimo…

  • Anti-Doping Education by IADO at the National Rowing Championship

    Anti-Doping Education by IADO at the National Rowing Championship

    Karawang, 17 November 2023 PB PODSI (the Executive Board of the Indonesian Rowing Sports Association) held a national rowing championship from November 17th to December 10th, 2023. The Directorate of Education continued to strive to spread knowledge related to anti-doping in various ways, in which one of them was by conducting anti-doping activities such as…

  • MoU between the Indonesia Obstacle Sports Federation (IOSF) and IADO

    MoU between the Indonesia Obstacle Sports Federation (IOSF) and IADO

    Jakarta, 16 November 2023 As the commitment to show its serious responsibility in supporting IADO for clean sport, the Indonesia Obstacle Sports Federation (IOSF / FOHRI) signed the MoU with IADO on November 16th, 2023 at the office of IADO. The signing was carried out by Mr. Pahala Mansury (Chairman of IOSF) and the Chairman…

  • Seminar on SpeakUp to Reveal Any Potential Anti-Doping Regulation Violation

    Seminar on SpeakUp to Reveal Any Potential Anti-Doping Regulation Violation

    Jakarta, 15 November 2023 The nation of Indonesia always celebrates Heroes’ Day every November, commemorating the heroic event occurred on November 10th, 1945. Based on such a historical connection, and also in accordance with the statement of the Director of Intelligence & Investigation of WADA encouraging any NADO to remind each national federation to provide…

  • MoU with IJBA on Anti-Doping Activities

    MoU with IJBA on Anti-Doping Activities

    Jakarta, 13 November 2023 Chairman of IJBA (Indonesia Jetsport Boating Association) Mr. Syaiful Ihsan signed the MoU with the Chairman of IADO on November 13th, 2023 at the office of IADO. Such an important signing has added the number of national federations having agreement through MoU with IADO, so that there are exactly 46 national…

  • Contribution of IADO on BTN Jakarta Run 2023

    Contribution of IADO on BTN Jakarta Run 2023

    Jakarta, 12 November 2023 On November 12th, 2023 BTN (one of the State-owned Bank) organized the BTN Jakarta Run 2023 held around the City Hall of DKI Jakarta Province was opened by a flag off conducted by the acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, the President Director of Bank BTN and the Secretary General of the…

  • Presentation on Anti-Doping to the National Conference of the Indonesia Sporthorse Society

    Presentation on Anti-Doping to the National Conference of the Indonesia Sporthorse Society

    Jakarta, 10 November 2023 PORDASI (Indonesia Sportshotse Society) invited IADO to give a presentation related to Anti-Doping which used by Athletes and thier own Horses, represented by the Director of Education Natashya Marcellina Ardiany. In that virtual activity organized on November 10th, 2023 the Director of Education provided explanation of the anti-doping area which includes…

  • IADO Has Set Up the Development of Education Plan 2024 with Signatories

    IADO Has Set Up the Development of Education Plan 2024 with Signatories

    Jakarta, 9 November 2023 In accordance with the ISE Article 8 on Cooperation and Recognition of Signatories, where Signatories must consult each other when planning Anti-Doping Education activities are being set up in order to streamline the work program of the Directorate of Education. The 2024 Education Plan Workshop was the first step in preparing…

  • Labuhan Bajo Marathon: the Beauty of the Nature Landscape and Athlete Performance without Doping

    Labuhan Bajo Marathon: the Beauty of the Nature Landscape and Athlete Performance without Doping

    Labuhan Bajo, 4 November 2023 The Indonesia Financial Group Labuan Bajo Marathon 2023 was held on November 4th, 2023 at Waterfront City, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, Eastern Nusa Tenggara. The event offered the beauty of Labuan Bajo and was touted as one of the most beautiful marathon tracks in the world. IADO once again participated…

  • Why T.U.E. Is So Important?

    Why T.U.E. Is So Important?

    Jakarta, 3 November 2023 IADO organized a Seminar on T.U.E. (Therapeutic Use Exemptions) from November 2nd to 4th, 2023 inviting doctors and medics coming from the various Province Offices of KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) across the country. The theme of that seminar was “Importance of Therapeutic Use Exemptions to Bring Safety and Protection…

  • Trend to Paperless Doping Control

    Trend to Paperless Doping Control

    Jakarta, 3 November 2023 IADO has been more aware how important DCO is to implement their duties. Based on such awareness, IADO organized the DCO Central 2023 Workshop for Senior DCOs possessed by IADO. The workshop was held on October 30th, 2023 at IADO’s Office in Jakarta. Furthermore, it was continued on November 2nd to…

  • MoU Between IADO And FOPI As Well As FVI

    MoU Between IADO And FOPI As Well As FVI

    Surabaya, 2 November 2023 The inauguration of FOPI (Pétanque National Federation) was held on February 2nd, 2023 at the UNESA (State University of Surabaya) Office of Surabaya, which was very important step for the progress of the Pétanque Sport in Indonesia. The kind of the sport program has seemed still relatively new in Indonesia compared…

  • Anti-Doping Campaign on the PON Qualification Round of IMAG Taekwondo

    Anti-Doping Campaign on the PON Qualification Round of IMAG Taekwondo

    Jakarta, 30 October 2023 The PON (National Sports Games) Qualification on the 21st IMAG is the mandatory stage that should be taken by Taekwondo athletes to get ticket to get to the 2024 PON in Aceh and North Sumatra Provinces. Taekwondo itself is a sport program included in the IADO Registered Testing Pool / Testing…

  • UNESCO’s Concern on Anti-Doping

    UNESCO’s Concern on Anti-Doping

    Paris, 26 October 2023 The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) held the Ninth Conference of Parties (COP9) to the International Convention Against Doping in Sport on October 25th and 26th, 2023, at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. The conference was attended by approximately 300 delegates consisting of Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Directors-General, Heads of National…

  • Follow Up of the Signing of MoU between IADO and PERSAMBI

    Follow Up of the Signing of MoU between IADO and PERSAMBI

    Bogor, 23 October 2023 IADO’s successful effort in carrying out MOUs / collaborations with various National Federations that are members of NOC has proven that the Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) will continue to strengthen its performance in doping control. On October 23rd, 2023 at the Bogor Valley Hotel, Bogor, West Java, it was the first…

  • IADO’s Sample Collection on Cheerleading Championship

    IADO’s Sample Collection on Cheerleading Championship

    Denpasar, 21 Oktober 2023 IADO had more opportunity to be trusted as the Sample Collection Authority in the ICU Asian Cheerleading Championship (ICU ACC) and Bali International Cheer Open (BICO) 2023 Event, which was held on October 21st and 22nd, 2023 at Taman Werdhi Cultural Art Center, Denpasar-Bali. That Championship was an international cheerleading sports…

  • Certification for 3 Blood Collection Officers (BCOs)

    Certification for 3 Blood Collection Officers (BCOs)

    Jakarta, 18 October 2023 IADO successfully held a certification for 3 new Blood Collection Officers (BCOs) on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at the IADO Office, Jakarta. That certification was indeed a very important activity due to the limited number of BCOs, belonging to IADO. That BCO certification activity cannot be followed by any common person.…

  • MoU between IPSI and IADO on Anti-Doping Activities

    MoU between IPSI and IADO on Anti-Doping Activities

    Jakarta, 12 October 2023 The Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (PB IPSI) signed a MoU related to Anti-Doping Activities with the Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) on October 12th, 2023. On that occasion, Dr. Ir. Teddy Suratmadji, M.Sc, as Secretary General of IPSI, was present and represented PB IPSI at the signing of that MoU. Meanwhile, IADO…

  • Courtesy Call of IADO to LPSK (Indonesia Witness and Victim Protection Agency)

    Courtesy Call of IADO to LPSK (Indonesia Witness and Victim Protection Agency)

    Jakarta, 27 September 2023 IADO continues to improve its performance in efforts to monitor any doping violations to create clean sport, play true and play safe. In this regard, the IADO Intelligence and Investigation Directorate has a specific portal (part if the portal of IADO) to provide an opportunity for anyone, including athletes, athlete support…

  • The Discussion between IADO and Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO on Anti-Doping Educational Materials

    The Discussion between IADO and Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO on Anti-Doping Educational Materials

    Jakarta, 25 September 2023 IADO through the IADO Education Directorate and KNIU ((Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO) continues to show its commitment to increase wider awareness of anti-doping, in order to make anti-doping education have a sustainable effect starting from the schools. For keeping such commitment of both sides, KNIU invited IADO to have a…

  • Collaboration of IADO, KONI and the Ministry on Anti-Doping Education in the Easternmost Province of Indonesia

    Collaboration of IADO, KONI and the Ministry on Anti-Doping Education in the Easternmost Province of Indonesia

    Jayapura, 19 September 2023 IADO in cooperation with sports KONI and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia carried out anti-doping education activities in Jayapura (the capital city of Papua) on September 19th, 2023. IADO discussed anti-doping education including banned substances, the dangers of doping, the consequences of doping, the 11…

  • One of the Most Popular Questions Raised by Athletes on Any Education: Coffee Consumption Limitation

    One of the Most Popular Questions Raised by Athletes on Any Education: Coffee Consumption Limitation

    Kupang, 12 September 2023 In collaboration with KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, IADO conducted an anti-doping education activity in Kupang, which was attended by 70 participants consisting of athletes, coaches, academics and administrators from several sports in East Nusa Tenggara province. The activity was carried out by…

  • Collaboration of Anti-Doping Education in Central Sulawesi

    Collaboration of Anti-Doping Education in Central Sulawesi

    Palu, 12 September 2023 IADO in cooperation with KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia conducted an anti-doping socialization and education in the city of Palu, located in Central Sulawesi. The activity was opened by the Chairman of the Central Sulawesi KONI M. Nizar…

  • Personal Information Collection and Speak Up Socialization Activities at the Training Center of Sepak Takraw in Sukabumi

    Personal Information Collection and Speak Up Socialization Activities at the Training Center of Sepak Takraw in Sukabumi

    Sukabumi, 6 September 2023 At the beginning of September 2023, the IADO Intelligence and Investigation Directorate carried out one of its duties in obtaining personal information from international and national athletes who are in the TP (Testing Pool) and RTP (Registered Testing Pool). Such activities were to support the preparation of the TDP (Test Distribution…

  • Thousands of Participants Joined Anti-Doping Campaign at the 2023 National Student Sports Games (POPNAS) XVI in South Sumatra

    Thousands of Participants Joined Anti-Doping Campaign at the 2023 National Student Sports Games (POPNAS) XVI in South Sumatra

    Palembang, 5 September 2023 South Sumatra just hosted the National Student Sports Games (POPNAS) XVI in 2023. In collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, IADO implemented the Anti-Doping Campaign / Outreach activity program as a step to build awareness for young athletes and athlete support personnel (ASP) about anti-doping. Athletes participating in POPNAS…

  • Doping Control at the 2023 FIBA World Cup in Jakarta

    Doping Control at the 2023 FIBA World Cup in Jakarta

    Jakarta, 3 September 2023 The 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup has been taken places in the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia from August 25th to September 10th, 2023. The 32 teams participating in the event are on the progress in 92 matches in 16 days. The Indonesia Arena Stadium in the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area,…

  • Intensification on Awareness of Whereabouts Importance to Rowing and Canoe Athletes

    Intensification on Awareness of Whereabouts Importance to Rowing and Canoe Athletes

    Pangalengan and Jatiluhur, 1 September 2023 IADO collaborated with PODSI (Indonesia Rowing and Canoe Federation) in providing anti-doping education to rowing and canoeing athletes. These activities were conducted on August 31st and September 1st, 2023 at the PODSI Dormitory Pangalengan and Jatiluhur, West Java. Those were attended by 23 athletes in Pangalengan and 40 athletes…

  • Collaboration of IADO and ISSI on the National Event in South Sumatera

    Collaboration of IADO and ISSI on the National Event in South Sumatera

    Lubuklinggau, 27 August 2023 IADO got an opportunity to be involved in the National Cycling Championship and Pre-Qualification for the 2024 National Sports Games (PON), held in Lubuklinggau of South Sumatera on August 23rd to 27th, 2023. That championship was held to select the best cycling athletes in each province for the next 21st PON…

  • Wishing of IADO on Pre-Qualification of Karate

    Wishing of IADO on Pre-Qualification of Karate

    Banjarbaru, 27 August 2023 Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) conducted the doping control in the Pre – Qualification of Karate for 2024 PON (National Sports Games). That event was organized from August 25th to 27th, 2023 in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Prior to the grand event of PON 2024 in Aceh – North Sumatra, IADO involved on…

  • Doping Control at Maybank Marathon 2023

    Doping Control at Maybank Marathon 2023

    Denpasar, 27 August 2023 Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) was once again trusted to participate for sending doping control officers to the Maybank Marathon 2023 event, at Bali Safari Marine Park, Gianyar, Bali. That event was organized on August 27th, 2023. Maybank Marathon 2023 was officially opened by the Governor of Bali Province, represented by the…

  • IADO Participation on SEA Age Group 2023

    IADO Participation on SEA Age Group 2023

    Jakarta, 26 August 2023 SEA Age Group has chosen Indonesia to host the 2023 SEA Age Group Swimming Championship event, held at the Aquatic Stadium, GBK, Senayan, Jakarta on August 24th to 26th, 2023. PRSI (Indonesian Swimming Association) appointed the Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) to conduct the doping control only for Indonesian athletes at that…

  • 2023 ASEAN + Doping Control Officer (DCO) Symposium

    2023 ASEAN + Doping Control Officer (DCO) Symposium

    Kuala Lumpur, 24 August 2023 Director of Testing in cooperation with Secretary General of IADO and few persons of DCO of Indonesia attended the DCO Symposium in Kuala Lumpur on August 23rd to 24th, 2023.The symposium organized by ADAMAS in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Malaysia was attended by all NADOs…

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